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Inspiration Hub

The objective of Inspiration Hub is to facilitate innovation in Teaching and Learning through a showcase of best practices and successful cases in APSS, alongside with the capture of departmental philosophy and endeavours in the T & L domain.

The Hub is especially useful to mentor new teaching staff with examples of T & L attempts in APSS context: through observing the successful pedagogical applications in APSS subjects, as well as all education research running currently in the department and those prestigious rewards that capture milestone endeavours in this spectrum.

Understanding it as an archive, it comprises project documents, reports, and reflections, thus allowing potential colleagues to have a frame of reference to formulate their own new ideas for new projects. In this light, it is like a virtual community of practice, allowing colleagues to gather around and collaborate for tryouts. Of meaning here is the Hub answers the needs of postgraduate Teaching Assistants who need consistent in-service training to implement different pedagogies to support T & L activities, a high concern from the Central Management as important support to the subject teachers.

Making Platforms

Understanding it as a publicity platform, it allows relevant stakeholders (including DSE candidates, overseas educational partners, sponsoring bodies, assessment panels) to know about the soft side of the Department by showcasing its philosophies and practices of teaching, bringing alive the e-teaching-and-learning attempts under the eyes of the audience.

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Fusce aliquam erat

Vestibulum vitae erat. Sed aliquet enim nec ipsum. Vestibulum vitae fermentum a, mattis faucibus. Sed porttitor, arcu elit, lobortis eu, vulputate wisi eu odio. Nunc gravida. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent magna blandit egestas turpis. Curabitur tincidunt luctus. Aenean quis blandit sed, sollicitudin arcu. Duis vehicula sit amet mauris non leo. Donec sollicitudin posuere, nibh nulla massa, feugiat sagittis eleifend. Vestibulum massa sit amet, neque. In lobortis vitae, ipsum. Fusce vitae wisi placerat id, ullamcorper massa id leo mollis aliquam, libero.

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Nullam fermentum quis auctor

Donec nunc. Praesent tincidunt sed, sodales auctor, urna nec adipiscing at, fermentum laoreet, enim consectetuer egestas, nunc pede turpis metus vitae odio consequat diam. Fusce venenatis placerat, nulla eu urna vitae massa at ante. Duis luctus. Aenean egestas consequat lobortis facilisis. Maecenas felis. Duis lobortis, varius egestas, nunc eu nulla ac risus. Mauris at est. Suspendisse fermentum.

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